10 Mindset Shifts you need to Achieve your Goals
Change nothing and nothing will change. Remember: every decision you make is a vote for the type of person you want to become. The lifestyle you currently lead is an accumulation of the choices you have made up until this point.
If i’ve learnt anything on my own personal journey and my years of experience as a coach is that mindset is everything. No matter what training programme you follow, nutrition plan to get the body of your dreams is that if you haven’t started to or created the mindset shifts you need to evolve for good they will always come back to bite you.
The common terms ‘do the work’ is east enough to say. But it’s about being curious, immersing yourself in new reading, listening, company and new perspectives that can add to the table.
The key thing to remember here is we all start somewhere, be open minded, curious for new things, changing what you’ve previously known to be true to something that aligns more with where you’re at right now. Remember it’s an ongoing process and this will be a game changer for you.
Here’s 10 simple but effective mindset shifts that I live by and provide for my clients in order to help create and maintain long term change.
Unlearning to relearn
We’re human and it’s important to note that we all have had different upbringings, learning, experiences, nurturing throughout our lives. Our brains can be rewired, we just have to be willing to make those changes. See them for what they are and showing up for ourselves.
“Unless you’re willing to let go some of the knowledge thats helped get you to where you are today, you’ll limit your capacity to learn the new knowledge required to take you to where you want to go in the future.” Margie Warrell.
Unlearning is a bit like pulling out the old plants & weeds from your garden so that others can blossom. There’s an old saying that you can’t move forward in old carriages. Likewise, the knowledge, processes and assumptions that got you to where you are today will be insufficient to get you to where you want to go in 10 years from now. So as you look forward to the future, what must you adapt to, what must you learn, what must you unlearn and what must you let go?
2. Fixed to Growth mindset
Moving from a space and capacity of restriction to a place of I can do this, I will learn, I am capable. Phrases around a fixed mindset "I'm not a gym person. I'd like to be, but it's just not one of my strengths," to “When I struggle with something it means I am a failure." When we look at developing your growth mindset it looks a little something like this "When I struggle with something it means I am learning,” or "I didn't do great but I don't have to get it perfect this time. I just need to grow my understanding step by step."
3. Moving from a people pleaser to putting your needs first
Too often and it's typical of women to put everyone else’s needs before others. It’s a wonderful thing but when it comes to the detriment of your mental and physical health how well can you really serve others? When you put yourself first you can do things for you that make you happy. When you’re looking after yourself everyone else benefits more.
4. Moving from ‘should’s’ to ‘clouds’
You know the phrases “I should do this,” “I should go see my friend.” Instead replacing it with “I clouds” gives you more options to go get after it. For example “I could see my friends tonight, or go to a work social event or I could actually spend some quality time with my partner or myself.”
5. You are stronger than anything you face.
Adversity introduces us to ourselves
‘I am stronger than what I face.’
6. Nurture resilience daily; courage calls for it
Step into courage. Courage comes before confidence and you need to take action daily to achieve this. It can be big actions but it can be all small actions to help take you there. By taking that action, you build your confidence and your resilience the more you expose yourself to new people, places, environments.
I’ve been travelling as a solo woman for so long it’s a part of me. This week I’m going to start Jiu Jitsu classes to take me to a place of learning something new and well out of my comfort zone.
7. Live from your imagination: not your history
It’s so easy to let the past define us, control our thinking. Instead let your imagination lead you to new places, new experiences and when you open yourself up you’ll see there’s so many opportunities that don’t need to reflect or be part of your past. You can constantly reinvent yourself as you evolve every single day.
8. Take that chance: the odds are better than you think
We will be in a world that follows rules. Whilst rules certainly have their place. It’s also important to not follow the course of everyone else's life just because society tells us it’s what we should do. Rules can be broken, you get to choose how you live, how you make it work. So when opportunities come up don’t just close the door. Listen to yourself, how you feel, are you excited, what do you fear. My advice on everything I have ever learnt is that taking risks pay off. Weight everything up, but try something new and see how that makes you feel and what you can achieve.
9. Fear regret more than failure
Something I live by. I ask myself this question every time I am making big decisions. Firstly, What am I fearing exactly? What’s the worst that can happen? I weigh them up and then ask myself the final question. If I were to die in the next year would I do things differently? What would I change? It sounds dramatic but it makes the decisions so real.
10. Own your choices, spare the excuses
There’s a time and a place for excuses, however the best part is those excuses are covering up your fears, keeping you in a place of comfort and what you know. Decide and be aware with where you’re placing your excuses. Whilst it can serve some it may not serve others. For every choice you make is a vote for the type of person you’re becoming. Choose wisely with who you spend your time with, the places you visit, the tasks and time you spend in your day. Is it aligning with what you’re saying?
I moved to Bali 4 days ago, and before then 8 years in Singapore. It’s been on the cards for the last few years (before covid happened) but I took the time to design my life around establishing a life in Bali. I’ve been doing this my whole life (or as far as I can remember) and I can always tell you this - if you don’t take the risks, you don’t put yourself out there, don’t fear rejection or failure. Fear not living fully to yourself and what really makes you happy. You don’t know until it’s happened. Figure what is the worst that could happen and work from there.
Here’ to making those mindset shifts and changing your life on so many levels.
For coaching enquiries and looking to thrive email me elizabethcc.wright@gmail.com or connect with me @lizziewrighty on Instagram.