6 Reasons Why You Should Go For It
In 2021, these 6 phrases had a huge impact on me, right at the moment I needed it most. They changed the course of my life.
I had been in Singapore for eight years and I felt a calling for a drastic change. I moved there aged 23 without a job, having never been to the country, and with only a small handful of people I knew there, and it was the best decision I ever made. A lot of change happened during my years in Singapore, bringing me into my 30s. I became a Lululemon Ambassador, built my own personal training business, started coaching clients globally, and truly found myself.
But I had itchy feet, and this feeling was growing. I knew I wanted to reconnect to travelling, climbing mountains, and following all my adventure passions in life, but my whole identity felt like it was in Singapore. Doubt kicked in - what if people don’t continue to work with me? Where will I live? Can I make this business work?
I booked a flight back to the UK to spend time with my family, meet my nephew, and have some real family time. The logistics were easy: pack my life into boxes, hand in my resignation, etc.
The biggest obstacle that I needed to overcome was my mind.
I needed to constantly reconnect to my why: Why am I doing this? What is the driver?
I found these 6 phrases around this time and each of them resonated with me so powerfully. Change is hard, and having drive and purpose is crucial to keep going when shit gets hard. I made these phrases my phone background in the months leading up to leaving Singapore, reminding me daily to keep going.
No matter what change you’re after, whether it's moving jobs, countries, or relationships, it’s about finding the words and meaning that hit you at your core to make the change and keep going.
6 Reasons Why You Should Go For It
Life is short.
This aligns with my key principle: you only live once. I see far too often a comfort in life as though we have unlimited time. Enjoy every moment, don’t spend your time and energy on things or with people that don’t matter. Make better choices that connect to your values and priorities.
It's not all or nothing.
You can go back if it doesn’t work out. Let go of the idea you have to be all in or out. This mindset doesn’t serve you - instead, create consistency and adapt in different areas of your life.
Who cares what other people think?
Believe me, they are too busy worrying about themselves. Even if they did have an opinion, listen to your gut and trust yourself over others. This one is so empowering!
You are strong and can do hard things.
Change is hard, but know this - YOU CAN HANDLE IT. Believe it, live it, and always go back to the small things in life - simplify it so you can focus on what is in front of you.
Doing what you love makes success more likely.
Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire. Follow the things that light you up. Everything will fall into place the way it needs to. Spend your weekends and your spare time doing the things you love, share it with people you love, or people on your wavelength. You are in the driving seat of your life so steer to where you need to be.
When you are brave, you will be rewarded.
Getting out of your comfort zone will challenge you, change you, and bulletproof you with a whole new way of living and thinking. Continually step into courage. If it’s new territory, throw yourself fully in as an absolute beginner - you have nothing to lose! Know you will fail, but just learn as much as you can. Facing your weaknesses makes you stronger. Soon enough what once was scary, frightening, or daunting becomes second nature. The power is in keeping going.
The power of these words challenged me at a turning point in my life. These words were my fuel for change. They kept me going! Apply these 6 phrases to your life and keep them handy, to remind you daily until they become ingrained.
Follow more of my journey here @lizziewrighty and @wearebeyondstrong